Threeseam package pillow
Снеки, крупы, чай, кофе, сухофрукты, семечки, замороженные продукты, специи, орехи, кондитерские изделия.
Низкая себестоимость, широко распространён, прост в использовании, хорош для горизонтальных витрин и холодильников.
Three-seam package. The side faces are soldered, bottom seam is tucked.
Snacks, cereals, tea, coffee, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, frozen products, spices, nuts, confectionery
Package is stable even at low weight product inside. Thanks soldered edges package keeps its shape well, allowing all four edge to the tasks of marketing and consumer information. Thanks hidden seam in the lateral side, the back side is open for use in marketing as well as the front.
Three-seam package with one longitudinal and two transverse seams
Snacks, cereals, tea, coffee, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, frozen products, spices, nuts, confectionery
Low cost, widespread, easy to use, good for gorizontal windows and refrigerators