Packaging machine TPP-100 Multi

on request.
Packaging machine TPP-100 Multi
Packet types:

Package with smooth edge

Three-seam package, with tucked upper corners, the side edges are smooth


Snacks, cereals, tea, coffee, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, frozen products, spices, nuts, confectionery


Package is stable on the shelf, on window, by smoothe edge package is more stable and better preserves the form, passing the necessary marketing information shown on it.

Package with smooth edge, seam side

Three-seam package, with tucked upper corners, the side edges are smooth, seam side


Snacks, cereals, tea, coffee, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, frozen products, spices, nuts, confectionery


Package is stable on the shelf, on window, by smoothe edge package is more stable and better preserves the form, passing the necessary marketing information shown on it.

Threeseam package pillow

Threeseam package pillow


Снеки, крупы, чай, кофе, сухофрукты, семечки, замороженные продукты, специи, орехи, кондитерские изделия.


Низкая себестоимость, широко распространён, прост в использовании, хорош для горизонтальных витрин и холодильников.
